Okay guys, I was just wondering if anyone has gotten BitchX to actually *look* like the way its supposed to. From what I can gather, everyone running bX under OS X fails to realize that the ansi/ascii charecters that are being displayed are the wrong ones. Haven't any of you actually seen old ANSI's from BBS days? They are supposed to look like things, just no coloured jibrish. I've actually used MacSSH PPC and SSH'd into my OS X box with my old powerbook and used bX on that with a font set to ANSI/PC and it looks *fabulous*, but i come back to my OS X machine and I don't even want to touch it.
So my question is, is there a ANSI/PC font available for OS X that I can use with Terminal to display BitchX properly? OR do I have to install a third party term to do this?
thanks. [img]images/icons/grin.gif"%20border="0[/img]